Droxford Church Leaflet St Mary & All Saints Church

Author: Michael Collins

Date: 681 - 2000

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Droxford Church Leaflet

Author: Michael Collins

Date: 681 - 1935

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Droxford – A Hampshire Village, its History and its Church

Author: Gordon Hope

Date: 1288 - 1946

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Droxford Timeline

Author: Michael Collins

Date: 681 - 1946

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St Mary & All Saints Church, Droxford – Report of Archaeological Advisor on the opening of a Vault on the South side of the Graveyard on 25 November 2015

Author: Michael Chandler

Date: 2015

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Droxford documents held by Hartley Library, Southampton University

Author: Stuart Attrill

Date: 1965

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St Mary and All Saints Church, Droxford – Ground Penetrating Radar, Earth Resistance and Detailed Gradiometer Survey Report


Date: 2016

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St Mary and All Saint’s Church, Droxford Wall paintings in the north chapel

Author: Peter Martindale

Date: 2015

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Droxford Church Victorian Layout

Author: Michael Collins


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Droxford Church Vestry

Author: Michael Collins

Date: 1790 - present

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