St Mary & All Saints Church, Droxford – Report of Archaeological Advisor on the opening of the Crypt in the North Chapel on 24 February 2015

Author: Michael Chandler

Date: 1973 - 2015

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Molendinis and De Drokenesfords

Author: Gordon Hope

Date: 1673

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King Edward I takes an army into Scotland in A.D. 1296

Author: Gordon Hope

Date: January 23 1296

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King Edward I returns from Flanders In early A.D. 1298

Author: Gordon Hope

Date: 1298

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King Edward I overcomes William Wallace at the Battle of Falkirk

Author: Gordon Hope

Date: 1298

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John De Drokenesford – His life in brief

Author: Gordon Hope

Date: 1265 - 1329

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From the Register of Bishop John de Drokenesford

Author: Gordon Hope

Date: 1315

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Gordon Hope’s (GH’s) Record of Families and Residences in Droxford

Author: Gordon Hope

Date: 2017

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Extracts from “The Lay Subsidy of 1334” (ed. Robin E. Glasscock, O.U.P. 1975).

Author: Gordon Hope

Date: 1334

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Extracts relating to Droxford from various documents A.D. 1900 to 1935

Author: Gordon Hope

Date: 1900 - 1935

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