The King’s Wardrobe

Author: Gordon Hope

Date: 1272 - 1307

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The Final Settlement

Author: Gordon Hope

Date: 1284 - 1963

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St. Mary & All Saints, Droxford (A Guide)

Author: Gordon Hope

Date: 494 - 1969

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St Mary & All Saints, Droxford A Village Church

Author: Michael Collins

Date: 1231 - 2015

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St Mary & All Saints Droxford Stained Glass

Author: Michael Collins

Date: 1868 - 1947

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Some Rectors of Droxford

Author: Gordon Hope

Date: 1418 - 1945

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Re-opening of the Crypt in the North Chapel, Droxford Church 24 February 2015

Author: Michael Chandler

Date: 1971 - 2015

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Post. 1284 – From Register of Bishop of Winchester (Latin) – John De Pontissara

Author: Gordon Hope

Date: 1284

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Pipe Roll – Bishop of Winchester – A.D. 1210/11 – Manor of Waltham

Author: Gordon Hope

Date: 1210/11

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Pipe Roll – Bishop of Winchester – A.D. 1208/09. – Manor of Waltham

Author: Gordon Hope

Date: 1208/09

Click here to download