Studwell Lodge

Author: Gordon Hope

Date: 23 March 2015

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St Mary and All Saints’ Church

Author: Ivor Coleman

Date: 27 March 2017

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Church Restoration


Date: 23 May 2016

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William Garnier – Rector

Author: Michael Collins

Date: 1801 - 1831

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Thomas G. Strangeways – Rector

Author: Michael Collins

Date: 1965 - 1969

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Stephen Bridge – Rector

Author: Michael Collins

Date: 1868 - r.1886

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Jim Foley – Rector

Author: Michael Collins

Date: 2003 - 2009

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Church of St. Mary & All Saints Droxford


Date: 1150

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J.A. Griffith Colpoys – Rector

Author: Michael Collins

Date: 1831 - 1868

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Dr. James Chelsum – Rector

Author: Michael Collins

Date: 1782 - 1801

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