

Riotous Fun Writing A Script

A group of local people met for the second time this month to share research and ideas for a community drama  that  will tell the story of one of the  Droxfordians who was involved in the 1830 Hampshire Swing Riots. Having  unearthed a news article dating several years prior to 1830, the group were able […]

Hampshire Swing Riots Second Meeting

The second meeting takes place at Wilfrid’s Cafe on Thursday 11th April at 7pm . If you couldn’t make the first one it’s still not too late to participate. The evening will focus on developing a script to tell the story of Jesse Burgess and Charles Bryant and the part they played in the riots […]

80th D- Day Anniversary Event – Amy Baker Sings Swing

Buy your tickets now before they sell out. 

Droxford Carol Service 2023

            Great attendance at the carol service on Tuesday evening . John Martin did a superb job leading the service and everyone  sang heartily to the accompaniment of Tamsin Roland’s ‘Sing and Tonic Choir’ and The Meon Valley Band. Volunteers worked together to provide delicious mince pies and mulled wine. – […]


                      DROXFORD – BEST SMALL VILLAGE 2023 in HAMPSHIRE AND ISLE OF WIGH Droxford has been awarded Best Small Village 2023 and Runner Up in Best Open Spaces by the Hampshire Association of Local Councils. Below is part of the citation that was entered. Droxford […]

Consultation on Parish re-Ordering in Bishop’s Waltham Deanery

A Public Meeting was held on Wednesday 17th August at 5.30 pm in Droxford Church. DEANERY PROPOSALS Approximately 60 parishioners from Droxford, Meonstoke and Exton assembled to make our voices heard regarding the future mission, ministry and finance of our Deanery.  The Agenda, Deanery Proposals,  and Notes from the meeting are available below. Bishop Jonathan […]

Community Stakeholder Event 26 March 2022

Friends Of Droxford Church Community Stakeholder Event Saturday 26th March 2022 10 – 11.30 am in Droxford Church Agenda 1. FODC and its role in the future of Droxford Church and Community Hub -Tony Hoile, Chair of FODC 2. Update on Stakeholder meeting February 19th. Explanation of the process and agreement of the groups’ shared […]

Droxford D-Day 70

Churchill’s Historic Visit to Droxford Station in June 1944 – preparing for D-Day The D-Day 70 Exhibition organised by the Friends of Droxford Church has now closed, but the principal exhibits – five panels describing the historic visit to Droxford of Britain’s wartime leader Winston Churchill – are still on display in the North Chapel.  Please […]

Churchill in Droxford in June 1944

Did you miss the Droxford D-Day 70 talks earlier this summer?   Now you have a second chance… Ben Stoneham has kindly agreed to give his talk on Churchill’s visit to Droxford on Sunday 21st September.  Churchill lived in his special train in the days leading up to D-Day in June 1944, and conducted important correspondence and […]