The Friends of Droxford Church (FODC) is a group of locals and other interested people who are concerned for, and dedicated to, the conservation and wider use of the building that has been at the heart of Droxford for around 900 years. It has been here since William the Conqueror’s 4th son Henry 1st was on the throne.
FODC is not an arm of the Church of England. It is a secular registered charity for the benefit of the people of our community with the following purposes:
(1) to maintain, repair, restore, preserve, improve, and enhance the fabric of the church building and contents;
(2) to advance the education in the heritage of the local area and the church through the area’s history and architecture; and
(3) to promote activities for the benefit local community irrespective of who they are.
We do this working with authorities, volunteer organisations and local people. We do all this so that there can be opportunities and facilities for education, recreation and other activities that benefit our individual and community health and social welfare.
D Day 80th Anniversary. We are planning future events to foster the community and raise funds.
Church buildings that cannot remain a going concern stop being in use. The Church of England has too many rural buildings and is likely to close those that don’t pay their way. At that point the PCC would have to lock the doors.
Some buildings, particularly those in towns that do not have historic listing, get taken on for other uses. Others might get taken on by the Churches Conservation Trust but even these are usually locked away to slowly decay through lack of money.
None of us would wish for the scaffolding to go up, the barriers to be erected and the site derelict. An eyesore in the middle of Droxford
If we fail to cherish a building that has been at the heart of community life for 900 years not only, will we no longer be able to celebrate births, marriage and mourn the departed, we’ll lose the opportunities we are beginning to enjoy of improving our community life.
So, your community needs your continued support, both financially and through giving of your experience and time, in order for the church building and community hub to be a vibrant contribution to Droxford.
If you want further information, talk to one of our Trustees or visit our website or our Facebook page. Otherwise, send your offers of support to: